ObamaCare — over 4 million copies sold

14 Mar

Letters to the Editor

Columbus Dispatch,

In the first sentence of Friday’s lead editorial, (March 14th), you say the Affordable Care Act “killed jobs, raised costs and generated turmoil” in the nation’s health care industry.  But not a single example of a job lost, or a cost raised was included.

There was turmoil generated, but that was the result of outright lies, half truths, and fabricated horror stories told by politicians who worried about losing their own jobs when the voters discovered the true benefits of the ACA that those politicians voted to repeal 50 times.

In the last sentence you say Americans “can’t afford” the health insurance offered by the ACA.  Again, not a single example.

I realize that the word “Opinion” is printed above your editorial, so you aren’t constrained by facts.  I’m sure that is helpful to you.

For the past year I, and thousands of other ‘Get Covered America’ volunteers, have been reaching out to people without health insurance to help them get covered.

I have yet to find anyone who can’t afford health insurance through the ACA.

I have found many who tell me that it is a “life altering experience to finally be able to get covered and not worry about what would happen” if they got really sick or injured.

And I found some who had heard the lies and simply didn’t believe it was possible to get quality, affordable coverage until they saw the actual options available to them.

Let me know how many examples you want and I will be happy to provide their names and contact information.

One Response to “ObamaCare — over 4 million copies sold”

  1. Marty Kuhn March 16, 2014 at 9:28 pm #

    You rock!

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